Warranty of Use govern your use of this website, your relationship with us and any orders you submit. Please read them carefully.


Please read our privacy policies. They also govern your use of this website and our use of information and data.


By accessing and/or using the Website, you represent and warrant that you are at least eighteen (18) years of age, and are otherwise legally qualified to enter into and form contracts under applicable law. If you are using the Website on behalf of a business entity, you further represent and warrant that you are authorized to act and enter into contracts on behalf of that business entity.

Purchases & Payments

If you purchase a product through the Website, you will be required to provide your billing and shipping information as well as information regarding your credit or debit card (each, a “Payment Card”) so that we may charge you for the costs and fees associated with your purchase. You represent and warrant that you are the authorized accountholder on all Payment Cards you submit through the Website, and acknowledge and agree that Evoco has the right to charge your payment card for the cost of the products, and all taxes, shipping, and handling fees communicated to you at the time of your purchase.

Order Cancellation & Delivery Terms

If you change your mind about an order and want to cancel it, you can do so up to the point when it is dispatched. Normally the orders will be processed immediately after they've been placed. Once we packed your order and made arrangements for it to be sent, we can't cancel the order. We make every effort to deliver goods within the estimated timescales and aim to process all orders within 48 hours. Therefore, depending on your delivery address, we would hope your order arrives within 2 weeks. However delays are occasionally inevitable due to uncontrolled factors, we will not take the responsibility for the uncontrolled factors.